32 research outputs found

    Risikofaktoren in Trinkwasser-Installationen fĂĽr das Vorkommen von Legionellen

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    Nach der Erneuerung der Trinkwasserverordnung im Jahr 2011 sind die Anforderungen an die hygienisch-mikrobiologische Überwachung von Trinkwasser-Installationen nochmals erheblich gestiegen. Für die Genusstauglichkeit des Trinkwassers müssen gewisse mikrobiologische und chemische Anforderungen sowie Indikatorparameter eingehalten werden. Legionella spec. darf hierbei den technischen Maßnahmenwert von 100 KBE/100 ml nicht überschreiten. Des Weiteren muss für die rechtliche Genusstauglichkeit des Trinkwassers die allgemein anerkannten Regeln der Technik bei Planung, Errichtung, Betrieb, Instandhaltung, Wartung und Überwachung von Trinkwasser-Installationen eingehalten werden. In den letzten Jahren führten weltweit zahlreiche Untersuchungen und Experimente zu neuen Erkenntnissen über das Bakterium Legionella pneumophila und dessen gefährlichen Auswirkungen auf den Menschen. Meistens konzentrierten sich diese Forschungen auf große Gebäude wie z. B. Krankenhäuser oder Hotelanlagen in denen große Mengen Warmwasser gespeichert werden und die über ein langes und komplexes Leitungsnetz verfügen. Epidemiologische Untersuchungen über Legionellen in privaten Wohnhäusern sind dagegen viel seltener. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation sollen Risikofaktoren in Trinkwasser-Installationen für das Vorkommen von Legionellen bestimmt werden. Durch Auswertung eines großes Datensatzes, in dem vor allem private Mehrfamilienhäuser untersucht wurden, soll ermittelt werden, ob es signifikante Auffälligkeiten zwischen der Legionellenanzahl und verschiedenen Parametern, wie z. B. der Wassertemperatur, der Wassertrübheit und der Entnahmestelle gibt

    And Paper-Based is Better? Towards Comparability of Classic and Cryptographic Voting Schemes

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    In today\u27s real-world elections the choice of the voting scheme is often more subject to dogma and tradition than the result of an objective and scientific selection process. As a consequence, it is left to intuition whether the chosen scheme satisfies desired security properties, while objectively more suitable schemes might be rejected without due cause. Employing a scientific selection process to decide on a specific voting scheme is currently infeasibly cumbersome. Even those few schemes which have been thouroughly analyzed do not provide easily comparable analysis results or fail to provide the information desired for real-world application. Hence there is a strong need to increase meaningful comparability, allowing democracies to choose the voting scheme that is best suited for their setting. In this paper we analyze which factors currently impede the comparability of both classic and cryptographic voting schemes and which information is needed to facilitate meaningful comparisons. As a first result we find that there is a severe lack of general understanding of the workings and properties of the classic paper-based systems which are in use around the world today. In this we highlight that commonly voiced intuitive comparisons especially to classic paper-based voting lack the necessary scientific basis and are therefore no sufficient foundation. We then develop an analysis framework to concisely showcase the most important characteristics of a voting scheme as well as to enable comparisons to other schemes. The utility of our analysis framework is demonstrated by analyzing and comparing two examples. Our work underlines the need for more academic work towards the comparability of voting schemes and lays a foundation for addressing this issue

    Event Mappings for Comparing Frameworks for Narratives

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    We present a technique called event mapping that allows to project text representations into event lists, produce an event table, and derive quantitative conclusions to compare the text representations. The main application of the technique is the case where two classes of text representations have been collected in two different settings (e.g., as annotations in two different formal frameworks) and we can compare the two classes with respect to their systematic differences in the event table. We illustrate how the technique works by applying it to data collected in two experiments (one using annotations in Vladimir Propp’s framework, the other using natural language summaries)

    Which Dimensions of Narratives are Relevant for Human Judgments of Story Equivalence?

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    We present an experimental approach to determining natural dimensions of story comparison. The results show that untrained test subjects generally do not privilege structural information. When asked to justify sameness ratings, they may refer to content, but when asked to state differences, they mostly refer to style, concrete events, details and motifs. We conclude that adequate formal models of narratives must represent such non-structural data

    Annotating with Propp’s Morphology of the Folktale: reproducibility and trainability

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    We continue the study of the reproducibility of Propp’s annotations from Bod et al. (2012). We present four experiments in which test subjects were taught Propp’s annotation system; we conclude that Propp’s system needs a significant amount of training, but that with sufficient time investment, it can be reliably trained for simple tales

    Objectivity and Reproducibility of Proppian Narrative Annotations

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    A formal narrative representation is a procedure assigning a formal description to a natural language narrative. One of the goals of the computational models of narrative community is to understand this procedure better in order to automatize it. A formal framework fit for automatization should allow for objective and reproducible representations. In this paper, we present empirical work focussing on objectivity and reproducibility of the formal framework by Vladimir Propp (1928). The experiments consider Propp’s formalization of Russian fairy tales and formalizations done by test subjects in the same formal framework; the data show that some features of Propp’s system such as the assignment of the characters to the dramatis personae and some of the functions are not easy to reproduce